It’s no secret, people love paying with credit cards. A recent survey showed that the public favored cards over cash 3:1. It’s convenient, easy and saves pennies jingling in your pockets. Naturally, the acceptance of cards at a retail establishment is great for the consumer, but also means dealing with processing fees, the price of doing business in the modern age. Are you ready to say goodbye to unnecessary credit card fees? Here’s how a Cash Discount Program can help you.
Many smaller businesses are now opting for the “cash discount program” option. The seller offers a discount to those customers paying cash over card, an incentive that can prove very fruitful. The main bonus is that it can reduce credit card processing fees tenfold. If you don’t process the card, you don’t have to pay for the service. It is easier to explain to the customer and is perfectly legal when adhered to correctly.
Of course, the main battle you will always come across in implementing such a program is that for the most part, people don’t carry cash anymore, in a CNBC study in 2017, it was reported that 75% of Americans carry $50 dollars or less on them at any given time, With millennials at the forefront of the plastic revolution. However, with the recent boom in Farmers Markets, Artisanal goods and a return to supporting home grown, local businesses, a correctly marketed cash discount program could see your business transactions grow exponentially.
As with every move when running your own business, make sure that the program will work for you and the product you are selling. A cash discount program may not be for you. If you think it might be the perfect fit for and your business, It can save you thousands of dollars in processing fees.
For more information, head over to
Read MoreRead MoreIt’s a great time to be a small business or restaurant owner if you are a millennial. A recent study showed by the SBCD showed that 49% of Millennials want to start their own business in the next three years. Over half would say goodbye to the daily grind to start their own business with the right resources.
Good job there are plenty of Point of Sale systems to help you get ahead of the curve.
So, why jump on the entrepreneurial wagon? How can a great POS System help me?
INDEPENDENCE. The biggest plus to being your own boss is Independence. You make the decisions; you choose what you do and when you do it. It is important to arm yourself with technology that can grow with you. A POS system can add devices easily. Opening an additional stall at a farmer’s market? Adding a pop up shop during peak season? POS can help you with that, you don’t even need more hardware. You can do it from that smartphone of yours!
CONTROL. Control is a wonderful thing. As a business owner, from concept to creation every inch of the business is in your hands. Complete immersion in your business can be thrilling and overwhelming, so why not use POS to work FOR you. POS improves inventory visibility, helps track sales and works with you to manage total counts and shelf inventory. With a system that can track product to such a high caliber, you will be able to make future inventory predictions more accurately.
FLEXIBILITY Perhaps the biggest plus to running a small business is flexibility. Smaller staff sizes allow businesses to develop personal relationships with the customer, leading to repeat business. With a system like POS you can make sure the customer experience is the top priority. Freeing up employees from time consuming book keeping to focus on activities related to boosting clientele service. Faster checkouts and easy to use systems have customers leaving already planning their next visit.
Sound like it’s for you? For more information on the systems available from CoCard, head to our main website at
Read MoreRead MorePoint of Sale technology enables businesses to improve efficiency, productivity and transparency by tracking sales, cash flow, food/ingredients and inventory as well as simplifying bookkeeping.
POS solutions make it easier, especially during peak hours, for the tracking of high volumes of cash, credit card sales and inventory. A good point of sale system cuts down on theft within a restaurant because each server is accountable for their sales both cash and credit card.
Here are more POS functions that could help you run your business:
POS systems consolidate the whole of your restaurant or retail business with different features to help keep your business streamlined, efficient and transparent. Whether you own a restaurant or a retail store we have a point of sale solution for your business. Android, Windows, iPad, wireless, mobile and pay at the table, solutions, let’s talk about how a point of sale can help you manage your business.
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Both on social media and your website. Are you using Instagram? Take pictures of your food and post it on Instagram routinely, use hashtags to describe and elaborate on your food, connect your Instagram account to the restaurants Facebook page and Twitter, one post on Instagram and you’ve also posted on Facebook and Twitter. Do this routinely, even think about taking photos of your food on a day off, lots of items and have them in your photos to post on off days, be consistent.
Everyone likes FREE food!, so let Revonu help you create a loyalty program and keeps your customers coming back for the good food and say thanks with FREE food!
Let’s look at your menu, do you have items that are not selling? Maybe Mom’s stuffed cabbage is just not selling? Make it at home and let’s get it off the menu, Mom will understand. Keep the items that sell the best and make them GREAT! Add new items one at a time and test them first as specials.
One of the fastest ways to increase revenue is to offer customers another way to order from your restaurant. Let customers place their order online, select all of the items and have that order print right to your kitchen printer – no need to have someone on the phone making mistakes! REVONU POS users receive online ordering as part of their suite of POS features.
With Revonu your staff can login and log out on the system, helping you manage their time. Need a night off? Login to your Revonu back-office from home and see who is working the night shift and how sales are going from your couch!
Let’s work together to keep your restaurant busy and cash in on those folks who just don’t like to cook at home! We can help!
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