Don’t Get SLAMMED!



noun ˈslam

Definition of SLAM
:   switching business owners from their current merchant services provider to another service provider without the business owners knowledge or authorization.  

Examples of SLAM

“He/she called for software support and was slammed by another provider”

Don’t be slammed

To Learn More About SLAM

 Call COCARD at 800-317-1819 or email

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A Sky Without Limits, or Infinity and EMV

CHip-B-W-968x1024Chicken Little once said that the sky is falling.  Yet it still remains intact above us.  So while the transition from magnetic stripe to EMV might seem like a shift of cataclysmic proportions, the sky is not falling.  Your company will successfully transition from magnetic stripe to EMV (many already have), and next time you look outside your window, you’ll see the billowy clouds resting above, and not on the ground.

Yet we also understand that with anything new comes fear.  It’s normal.  So we’ve put together a few facts to calm your nerves.  We want you—the sagacious business owner that you are—to continue to make calm, smart decisions over the course of the transition.

Are you with us?  Well, here goes:

  • A transaction using EMV technology will take around 60 seconds compared to under 2 seconds with a magnetic stripe card. Magstripe cards are swiped and provide the terminal with the credit card number and expiration date, which can be easily copied by a card reader.  EMV terminals, on the other hand, require customers to “dip” the chip and verify customer data, which takes just a short while longer.  During this time, the Chip and Terminal begin a conversation.  Chip says, “Please authorize this transaction.”   Terminal replies, “I’ll need to make sure you’re valid.  I’ll also need to provide your card with a special code unique to this transaction because we can’t have any fraudsters trying to take your info.”  Chip responds, “Sounds great.”  Terminal says, “Now please sign, or enter your pin number.”  EMV takes a few more seconds than a magstripe transaction, but your data is more secure. 


  • Don’t panic. Although EMV has been adopted in Europe for over a decade, cards in the US still have a magnetic stripe.  Card companies have accounted for the ongoing transition by allowing terminals to still accept magnetic stripe cards. Card issuers expect the full transition to take anywhere from three to five years.


  • The term “liability shift” sounds pretty intense, like if you’re not prepared, the earth will shift, and you’ll fall off the edge of it. Oh, Copernicus.  Well, flat-earth jokes aside, the liability shift is not that cruel.  It is simply a method to eliminate fraud.  Starting October 2015, the party—either the business or banking institution—with the lesser technology will be responsible for the cost of fraud.  Instead of thinking of the liability shift as a way for others to make money off of your hard work, think of it instead as a way to ensure all parties are working together to eliminate fraud, which cost US consumers $16 billion last year alone.


In short, the sky is not falling, and EMV is not the end of the world.  Instead, it seems to be the beginning to new possibilities for business owners.  It might be an uncharted territory, but EMV will provide companies with the tools to chart their own course by allowing them to directly address fraud, a concern that leaves many involved feeling powerless.  So next time you look at the sky, we at COCARD hope that you view it with possibility, and nothing less than that.

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Back to School Trends


You loaded up the kids on school supplies weeks ago… but don’t think you’re finished with back-to-school prep just yet. You’ve still got the season’s fashion trends to consider for your teen or tween. As is the case with every school year, last year’s looks have hibernated after the long summer and have ushered in a fresh new palette of colors, textures and themes.

According to Teen Vogue, fall girls’ fashion will incorporate plenty of plaids, wools, oversized cardigans, fringe, pastels, layered looks, ’90s throwback (including lots of denim on denim) and ’60s Chelsea girl mod (shift dresses, cat-eye makeup). High-waisted jeans are in for girls too (previously dubbed “mom jeans”). Guys meanwhile are leaning more fashionable than past years, sporting preppy-meets-bad-boy apparel.

Blazers, denim jackets and leather jackets are back in, as are skinny khakis, bright-hued denim and patterned slip-on sneakers. Backpacks will likely need replacing, and this year’s stock is all about colorful prints and patterns. Don’t be surprised if your student asks for a new iPhone cover too (even though his old one is perfectly fine); smartphone cases are big venues for personalization.  

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Back to School

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The fall is fast approaching, and that means several things; everyone’s favorite sports are back, the weather becomes more bearable, and students are returning to school. As the semester begins, merchants may see a marked change in their merchants’ business sales; retail merchants may see a slight spike in back to school product purchases, while late night restaurants and college hangouts may notice a subtle decrease in revenue. Regardless of the market, the annual change of pace that comes with the fall semester can still be used to a merchant’s benefit. Here’s a few tips to tackle the return of school correctly:

Take advantage of the opportunities presented with college students returning to class; sign your business up for display at a few job fairs to scout local talent, and potentially find a hidden gem. With so many bright young minds currently attending college, there’s no limit to the potential at your fingertips.

As a business owner, consider whether or not taking a few courses in the fall could benefit you. Are you seeking another degree? Or are you simply just interested in learning more about economics or marketing strategy? It’s not too late to register for a few courses, and you just might learn a bit more than you expect. As you get more educated in the classroom, take some time to learn a bit more about CoCard as well. As a cutting-edge merchant services provider, many of CoCard’s current marketing strategies align directly with the same materials covered in college classrooms. CoCard even has an education center, just for merchants like you!

Stay on top of your kids! With all of the changes that come with the fall semester, it can be easy to lose track of your own child’s schoolwork and activities. Stay in tune with their daily schedules, and be sure to keep track of their grades from beginning to end. Managing a business and a family is never an easy task, but making small strides each day significantly reduces the difficulty.

Welcome the new school year with open arms, and have a plan for the coming months. Although school can be a difficult thing to handle at times, don’t forget to stay positive and look for the potential benefits involved with it. Take some time to get a little more educated with CoCard’s education center, and think about whether or not it’s time for you to make a change. If you have any questions or concerns about how CoCard can assist you in the coming months, call us today!

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