What Level 2 Processing Means For Your Business

Acceptance of Level 2 payments can reduce monthly credit card fees and consequently increase profits for your business, it’s that simple. For a transaction to qualify as a Level 2 transaction a few pieces of additional information must be passed during the transaction process. This additional data allows the transaction to qualify for a lower interchange rate, therefore, lowering processing costs.
What kind of businesses can process
Level 2 payments? Any company that does business with other businesses or the government can qualify to process
Level 2 payments; even selling goods or services to other businesses for retail sales qualifies. If you are interested in
Level 2 processing or curious if your business qualifies for
Level 2 lower interchange rates, contact our office today and talk to an expert who can identify the right interchange category for your business.
Just another way COCARD helps you save money to make money in your business.
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