
The market for business growth has shifted rapidly in the last two decades. The explosion of the internet has thrown all of us into a matrix of numbers, lights, and screens. I personally can’t recall the last time I walked down the street and made eye contact with a person; all I see are averted eyes, white earphones shaking with every step, and a slight smirk on the face of whoever happens to be viewing their Snapchat at the moment. Because of this, businesses have taken notice. Although many businesses are struggling to adapt with their advertising and marketing strategies, many are beginning to realize that having mobile functionality adds a fourth dimension to their industry.

According to www.theatlantic.com, 25% of media consumption in America consists of internet activity, and is increasing. Another 20% is spent on mobile devices, while radio, print, and T.V. rapidly decrease. Although only 1/20 of advertising spending goes into mobile devices, the bigger picture is that mobile apps are creating a new dynamic for the way businesses are operated and marketed.

Statistics show that mobile app growth has jumped from a measly $2 billion in 2008 to $38 billion in 2013. The most popular apps without question tend to be more interactive and social media based, whether they be Twitter, Facebook, or the ever-improving Instagram. The emphasis on mobile photography and high resolution visuals is exceptional, with over 1,500,000,000 photos shared on a daily basis. From a business standpoint, it becomes very clear that the answer to successful marketing is joining the mobile network and creating some form of visual/interactive appeal.

Looking towards the future, it seems that a company that creates its own mobile app or becomes involved with mobile social media applications has a higher likelihood of reaching their target audience. Being readily accessible at all hours of the day is no longer a preference, it’s a necessity.

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